Concerning Alan D Moore, and the existence of his website

Who am I? First, let me tell you who I am not:

So if I'm not one of these wholly remarkable people who force me to use my middle initial, why do I have a website?

Good question; I suppose it seems vain, in some ways. But the reality is that I like computers, I like making web pages (even if I'm not astoundingly good at it), I like making music, I like writing meandering diatribes, and I like pretending I can write software. Mostly, though, I would just rather spend my time learning new things and making new things than keeping up with the latest episode of must-see-tv; and rather than turn my hair grey(er) trying to eek a paycheck from the fruits of such efforts, I just put them here for the enjoyment of anyone who enjoys such things while eeking my living from a cushy government job.

If you think you know me, as some people seem to, here are some ways you might:

There are certainly other ways you could know me, but quite frankly knowing me isn't very important so I wouldn't stress about it if you're stumped. Just browse the site, take what you like, and leave the rest for someone else. And if you run across one of the many comment boxes scattered about here, please make use of it in a positive, useful manner. Thanks!